Featured Products

About Us
We'll slap a logo on anything! Sustainability? Pfft. As long as it fills our pockets with lovely, lovely money, we don't care if it fills skips.

Corporate Responsibility
Our responsibility starts and ends with our shareholders. What's great is that they really don't give a monkeys what we flog, as long as it makes us that sweet, sweet dollar. The planet? We'll just throw it away and get a new one.

Unlimited Products
We've got a catalogue filled with the same old crap you can see anywhere. Got three days to browse a generic list of swag? Look no further

We can turn your order around in 24 hours. How so? By ensuring we ONLY use factories that have absolutely no regard for their staff and by shipping via methods most likely to really screw up the planet. Want one box of non-recyclable plastic-backed notebooks? We'll air freight it to you in 5 days.